After completing our Growth Track members of TWC are welcome to serve in the area of their gifting within the church. Join a ministry that you’re passionate about and start your journey. Speak with Dr. Brown for more information.
This is a very delicate and devoted ministry. If you are interested and looking for more details, please see our Sr. Pastor Dr. Brown to express your interest.
The Worship Center Ministries is here to follow the commandments of God. We must help the helpless and be a friend to the friendless. Outreach Ministry is about actively showing the love of specifically in our community. If you are interested in joining this amazing team, please express your interest to Dr. Brown.
This is a vast ministry needing many operatives! This includes, playing an instrument, singing on the praise and worship team, and operating the in house media. If you are interested in joining this amazing team, please express your interest to our Minister of music Morrissa Nicole We look forward to speaking with you.
A beautiful smile and a warm handshake goes a long way. There is nothing more inviting than a delightful welcome to church every Sunday. A vibrant personality and friendliness remind people that we are not just a church but we are a church with a heart for the community. For more details, please express your interest to Morrissa Nicole.
We enjoy spreading the Gospel of Christ through various mediums. We appreciate the privilege of an online presence in an ever-growing social media community. If this is your area of expertise, that’s great! Please express your interest to Morrissa Nicole.
Is sharing the Good News of Christ your deepest desire? Do you enjoy inviting friends and family to church, even those you pass on the street? Do you have a passion for shining the light of Christ? That’s great! For more information, please express your interest to Dr. Brown.
Children’s Ministry (Joyful Praize Kidz Church & Nursery)
Do you have a heart for children? Are you willing to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the youngest of souls? If so, please speak with Morrissa Nicole to express your interest.
Prayer Ministry
The foundation of any ministry is prayer. A vital necessity in the body of Christ, prayer ministry is a powerful place to serve requiring dedication and utmost reverence. If you wish to align yourself with TWCM’s prayer team please speak with Sr. Pastor, Dr. Lesleon Brown for more details.